Core Team offers a complete package of services, including everything from initial site development through construction and planting. We do everything from loosening soil, mowing and maintaining your lawn, re-potting plants, making flower beds, cutting and pruning plants, adding manure and controlling pests with our organic solutions.

Our Services:

A Total approach to residential or commercial landscaping. By working with a single company for the design and installation of your landscape, you are assured that all elements of your landscaping work with one another and are installed and maintained with consistent quality and attention.

 Our services include:

  1. New garden design and installation
  2. Upgrades on existing gardens
  3. Water wise gardens
  4. Garden and water features
  5. Landscape lighting
  6. Installation of irrigation systems
  7. Erosion Control
  8. Drainage
  9. Rain water retainment and re-use systems

 We guarantee our work from design to completion.

Our Services